Saturday, March 22, 2008

Hillary Clinton- Presidential Candidate or Doctor of the Year Hopeful

Its been a close race for president with Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, but only one can win.

And how Clinton has made it this far i do not know. Since personally I really don't like her. But I guess her health plan that she won't shut-up about has a lot of people thinking that she will make a wonderful President.

And I think I have figured out why! She is probably brainwashing them into thinking that she is running for Doctor of the Year rather than president. OK so I might have made that up. But how else could people like her? I mean with her changing her mind every two minutes and even when she says practically the same thing as Obama. He out shines her by miles.

To this tween it is very clear whom is the right candidate to support in this years election. Although he has some flaws Barack Obama seems to me like a much better choice for President than Ms. Doctor of the Year Hopeful. Hillary Clinton.


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